A couple weeks ago I attended a workshop for Northern Health called Conflict Resolution. It was soooo awesome! I learnt alot of great skills and so much different useful information. One of the most interesting parts for me was when we were talking about generational differences. I had never even thought about that before. Just comparing the different attributes of the generations gives you a very clearer picture of how and why people respond the way they do. The biggest difference I noticed between generations is that generation Y (my generation) is very much about fun and fairness. Whilst our parents generation and the generations before that are very much about working hard and had adapted the concept "lifes not fair". During this week I am going to do a short series of posts about generation Y. How we are changing the world. For the good, the bad, and the in-between. I am really excited! I find this topic sooo interesting and I'm sure you will all too! To start off my series here is a really fun link :) enjoy!
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